7 Reasons to Use Sealant on Your Hardwood Floors

7 Reasons to Use Sealant on Your Hardwood Floors

If you have or are planning to get hardwood floors, then you might be wondering whether or not it is important to seal them. The answer is yes! Hardwood floors are beautiful and durable, but day-to-day activities can damage the floor and its appearance. By sealing your hardwood floors, you can protect them from damage and ensure their longevity for years to come. This blog post will discuss 7 reasons why your hardwood floors should be sealed to protect them from damage over time.

Protect from Moisture

The first reason why you should seal your hardwood floors is to protect them from moisture damage. It’s easy for water and other liquids, such as wine, soda, juice, etc., to end up on your floors because they are located in the kitchen or at the entrances of your home. If these items get spilled onto wood surfaces that have not been sealed, then it can cause warping over time because the liquid will seep into the grooves and cracks between planks and sit there until dried out. This could lead to irreversible damage if left alone for too long.

Reduce Dust Collection

You should also seal your hardwood floors to reduce the amount of dust that collects on them. This may come as a surprise, but wood actually attracts dirt! Grime and other particles are drawn to naturally absorbent materials like wood. Although it might be tempting not to bother with sealing your floors, this can cause even more damage over time due to scratches and scuffs caused by extra layers of grime building up on top of what’s already there.

Reduce Dirt Buildup

Similar to collecting dust, another reason why you should stain or seal your hardwood floors is to avoid being a dirt magnet. Wood has tiny pores that attract and hold onto dirt particles as well as pet dander, pollen, etc., which will become especially noticeable if it hasn’t been sealed properly.

If this doesn’t sound like something you want happening where you stand every day then consider sealing these surfaces for an extra layer of protection against all types of grime so the only thing someone might notice about your beautiful hardwoods are how shiny they can be when shined up!

Prevent Light Scratches

Sealing your hardwood floors can help you avoid light scratches on them. If the surface of a wood floor has been left bare, even if it’s been waxed from time to time, then small scuffs and nicks can happen easily – just think about how easy it is for anything sharp like keys in a purse or pocket to scratch up finishes on cars! These types of marks are not always noticeable at first glance because they don’t go all the way through the finish into the wood itself but over time these little imperfections add up and become more apparent. Be sure this doesn’t happen by protecting the surface with sealant.

Prevent Fading

Another reason why you should seal your hardwood floors is to maintain the color of these surfaces. This may not seem like a big deal, but wood actually takes on its darkest appearance when it’s first cut and exposed to oxygen because this forces out moisture that would otherwise make it appear lighter.

Over time as sealants wear away from traffic patterns and other regular use, these darker areas will be more noticeable against progressively lighter grains so again – avoid making this type of contrast obvious by protecting all types of wooden surfaces with stains/sealants for an extra layer of protection!

Avoid Warping

Hardwoods are already more susceptible to this warping because they have an open grain structure which makes them absorb liquid unevenly, but any surface that has been left unprotected for too long can also warp as a result of exposure to extreme changes in humidity and temperature over time.

Protect from Stains

Another reason why you should seal your hardwood floors is to give these surfaces an extra layer of protection from stains. The top coating that comes with a sealed finish adds another line of defense against spills and other types of liquids, as well as food and other residues.

Choose Floor Plus More For Flooring Finishes, Sealants, Trim, and Accessories

Choose Floor Plus More for your flooring needs and be sure to check out all of the options we have available! We offer a wide variety of stains, sealants, trim work, accessories, maintenance products and more so you can find what’s best for your specific space. Have a question about your flooring project? Contact our team today

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